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30 Minute Discovery Call


If you’re a new client, or if you just want to learn more about what I do, we’ll start with a free, 30-minute discovery call. During this time, I’ll ask you what you’re looking for in trauma recovery coaching and where you’re at in your trauma recovery journey. You can also ask questions about me, my practice, and my approach.  

60 Minute Session

$105 CAD

A 1-hour session dedicated to you and your trauma recovery journey. This session will be a combination of talking, relating, and connecting with the body. 

6 Session Package

$600 CAD

Most clients need multiple sessions to reach their trauma recovery goals. By booking a 6-session package, you’ll save money and make greater strides in your recovery.

Book your first discovery call with me to begin your transformative journey.

12 Session Package

$1140 CAD

My most popular package. By booking a 12-session package, we can set long-term recovery goals and see real progress in our time together while saving money.

Book your first discovery call with me to begin your transformative journey.