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Services I offer

I work with people from a wide variety of trauma backgrounds. If you’re interested in booking with me but don’t see the specialty you’re looking for listed here, please feel free to send me a message or check down below.


Discovery Call

Discover yourself and where you are on your journey.

60-minute coaching session

This combines talking, relaxing and connecting with the body.

6-week package

We discover and work on making great strides in your recovery.

12-week package

We create a recovery plan and goals and witness your real-time progress to recovery.

Together, we’ll build a greater mind-body connection.

Healing happens in safe spaces, so during our sessions, I’ll create a safe container where you can share your story.

30 Minute Discovery Call


If you’re a new client, or if you just want to learn more about what I do, we’ll start with a free, 30-minute discovery call. During this time, I’ll ask you what you’re looking for in trauma recovery coaching and where you’re at in your trauma recovery journey. You can also ask questions about me, my practice, and my approach.  

60 Minute Session

$105 CAD

A 1-hour session dedicated to you and your trauma recovery journey. This session will be a combination of talking, relating, and connecting with the body. 

6 Session Package

$600 CAD

Most clients need multiple sessions to reach their trauma recovery goals. By booking a 6-session package, you’ll save money and make greater strides in your recovery. Book your first discovery call with me to begin your transformative journey.

12 Session Package

$1140 CAD

My most popular package. By booking a 12-session package, we can set long-term recovery goals and see real progress in our time together while saving money. Book your first discovery call with me to begin your transformative journey.

The Healing Process

Healing happens in safe spaces, so during our sessions, I’ll create a safe container where you can share your story. It’s my goal to make you feel heard, seen, and valued, never judged. I’ll help you navigate your trauma recovery journey using a combination of psychoeducation, body work, life experience, and relational attunement. We’ll also identify the tools and resources you have to work towards your trauma recovery goals. Remember, your body already has an innate impulse to heal.

With your permission, I can also integrate Somatic Experiencing (SE) and parts work into our sessions. Traumatic events leave unprocessed fight-flight-freeze energy in our nervous systems. Trauma also leads to our parts taking on roles they’re not meant for. I believe in a body-centred approach when recovering from trauma. By blending both SE and parts work, I can bring your body into the healing process so we can hear what your parts and your nervous system have to say.

My Specialties

I offer a wide range of specialties

01. Somatic experiencing

Your story might live in your brain, but your trauma lives in your body. Approximately 75% of information flows from the body to the brain, so I believe in taking a body-first approach when healing trauma. I use a blend of SE, mindfulness, and parts work to listen to your nervous system’s story and help you build capacity.

02. Parts Work

Our minds are made up of many parts with a variety of roles. I use Internal Family Systems (IFS) and inner child work to help you find your wounded parts and heal the trauma they carry. I’m formally trained in parts work, including unburdening exiles, through my Parts Work Through a Polyvagal Lens certification.

03. Abuse and Neglect

Childhood abuse comes in many forms, including physical abuse, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, and neglect. I’ll work with you to make sense of the past and heal the pain of those years.

04. c-PTSD recovery

If you had a traumatic childhood, there’s a good chance you’re living with c-PTSD. I help people with c-PTSD manage their symptoms and navigate their recovery. I also advocate for c-PTSD to be recognized as a formal diagnosis with the DSM-5.

05. Narcissistic abuse

I’ve experienced firsthand how devastating the effects of narcissistic abuse can be. I help my clients understand, navigate, leave, or heal from their narcissistic family systems.

06. Intergenerational trauma

You’re a cycle breaker. Maybe you’re the first person in your family to recognize the abuse that has passed down from one generation to the next. Or maybe you’re healing from the trauma of our cishet, white supremacist, patriarchal society. Whatever your story, I’m here to help you break that cycle and find a better way forward.